Sunday, May 13, 2007

Outdoor Evangelism

Last night the youth group traveled to a nearby town to do outdoor evangelism. We arrived at about 6pm and went door to door inviting people to come to the presentation. The service started shortly after 7 in the town's central square. We sang two or three songs and then the drama team performed 5 skits. There is no speaking in any of the dramas, but the message of the Gospel and salvation is conveyed with great impact. After the dramas, Stephen spoke for a few minutes, emphasizing that only in Jesus can we find fulfillment and peace. Several people from the audience came forward for prayer and to give their lives to the Lord. The simplicity of the whole event was what stood out for me - we didn't spend days or weeks planning this, we didn't pass out flyers or take out newspaper ads - we just hopped on a bus, knocked on some doors, and presented the Gospel to those who came. God had already done the hardest work, preparing the hearts of the people who came and who responded to his call; we just had to be there, willing to serve him.

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