Monday, April 18, 2016

Palm Sunday Baptisms

This Easter season we were able to participate in the One World outreach mentioned in the previous post, and we celebrated Easter Sunday with a 6am service...I can't even say it was a sunrise service, because the sun definitely rose AFTER the service ended......On Palm Sunday we had one baptism scheduled but ended up welcoming 3 new believers, all of them part of the youth group. Here are some pictures! Please remember these 3 young people; they have come to God through some difficult circumstances and need your prayers and support!

Palm Sunday worship service

First baptism, Jessie

The water was VERY cold....

Second baptism, Kevin, who has come to the church through the El Calor soccer school

Third baptism, Mariela, who was recently saved, doesn't come from a Christian home, but loves Jesus with all her heart

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