Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Youth Camp 2016 Pasión Sin Límites

Last week July 19-22 we held our annual youth camp, which we normally have during Easter vacation. We had about 60 young people attend and as always we finished the week exhausted but touched by God's Word and the teachings we received. Here are some pictures!

Photo rally - Team Blue Ghosts in the plaza

Minute to Win It challenges Day 2 - build an apple tower (close but no!)

Minute to Win It challenges - move a cookie from your forehead to your mouth (this one got stuck!)

Day 1 - writing a team song and cheer, Team Red Bulls

Team Minions coming up with song ideas
Team Avocado doing team-building activities

Ahh, lunchtime!
Photo rally - a picture of the entire team in the air

Kitchen staff in a rare quiet moment!

A bit dark, inside the church in another workshop

More teambuilding...I don't know how they did this without dropping anyone....

Day 1 rally - walking two planks forward 20 feet is harder than it seems!

Day 2 photo rally

Day 2 photo rally - fraternizing with the enemy!

Day 1 water games (there's soap on the tarps, careful!)

More water games...campers were very committed to not losing the tire to their opponents

More water games, passing a sponge back and squeezing it out into the jug without looking (everyone cheated here...)

Photo rally - team picture with dogs!