Sunday, March 25, 2012

Altar Construction

We have had the pleasure of hosting a group of workers since last Tuesday, sent by ANM to build the altar. After an interesting experience in Houston thanks to some unsettled weather, they arrived on Tuesday and got to work....kind of, because we still had to get the wood and other material for the construction. By Wednesday afternoon, this is what they had accomplished:

In under 24 hours the base and the top layer of plywood were in place.

Finishing the top of the platform.

The platform is about 3/4 the width of the church building.
Thursday before the evening service.

Taking advantage of the extra help, we were also able to get the ends of the roof covered with leftover laminate strips. 

We borrowed a ladder from the fire department!

A huge thank you goes out to the team and to ANM for all your time, effort and generosity. May God repay you many times over what you have given to us!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kermés (Fair!)

On Sunday we held a special fundraising fair at the church to help with our ongoing construction costs. The format was similar to our September 16th party with different booths selling many types of food and beverages as well as games and activities. There was a contest for best booth and best costume as well as karaoke (where there were some pleasant surprises! There were also some other types of surprises....but everyone had fun!). We are planning more activities in the future in order to draw people from the community to the church and make it an accessible place for everyone.

Selling fruit-flavoured water

Bottle toss activity organized by some of our youth

Ping-pong tournament!

Selling banderillas (hot dogs wrapped in tortillas and fried)

A new ministry, banderas (flags)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Construction Update

The roof is finished! Mostly.....we just have to fill in some of the edges and get the rest of the pigeons out (they aren't happy about it!). On Saturday we sent for the missing sections of laminate and on Monday a group of men from the church worked all morning and most of the afternoon to install them. Everything was going really well until it was time for the workers to come down from the roof - since the hole had been covered, they didn't have any way to get down! So we called the fire department and they came to rescue the stranded men (along with the police and the ambulance!)

Inside view of church from front to back, with completed roof section at the back.

One of the remaining pigeons, left, with the soccer ball used to evict the others, right.